Photo by Kolleen Gladden on Unsplash

Making Final Adjustments to My Fitness Website

Kevin Rasmussen
3 min readDec 29, 2020

This month I am building a fitness brand and website from scratch to give people training and nutrition tips while also promoting products I recommend.

The last stretch of this month was a challenge for me, but I learned more about WordPress settings and how to use HTML coding for advertising. I also created a home page for introductory information explaining what the page is all about. There are links throughout the article for visual documentation.

This Weeks Goals

This week’s general aim was to improve the website more than it was about creating new content. This week, my goal was to create:

  • A static home page with introductory info
  • Articles promoting fitness products with affiliate links
  • I insert my own photos for my blog posts.
  • A video blog

What I accomplished

Then, I had to edit the home page and insert a paragraph block to write out my website

introduction. Not only that, but I inserted a featured image behind it. Afterward, I had to

eliminate the transparency in the text to make it more bold and white for better contrast

I did that with additional CSS coding. I then added a blog posts block so all my blogs from all categories would appear on my home page


Each task individually was a challenge that took me a long time to figure out, and I went DEEP with my research about supplements and training tips for presenting the best and most accurate information. I did my research on supplementation with PubMed, Examine, and HealthLine. The information you get from real and reliable research is very different from what you get with mainstream information from supplement companies and fitness celebrities. I did the hard work of writing based on the analysis rather than writing solely off my knowledge, which I could have done in a fraction of the time. It was important to me that I had a lot of information to take from and pass on.

When I created the static home page, I didn’t want it to be a menu item, so I removed it from the navigation. I wanted introductory info on the default page along with all the blogs I created below. My menu tabs are for separating the blogs by their category to organize the information. Learning this took me quite a bit of time, but I am happy with how it turned out. You can check out what I created on my website this week here.



Kevin Rasmussen

Praxis Student. I’m a fitness enthusiast and perusing excellence in life and business.