Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Connecting My Fitness Website with other Platforms

Kevin Rasmussen


This month I have been working on building up my fitness brand, and here is a recap of my goals and achievements this week. I have links throughout the article for visual documentation.

WEEK 3 Goals

  • Improve contrast between page and menu items
  • Complete KR Fitness Facebook page
  • Promote blog on Facebook personal and fitness page
  • Promote my blog on Instagram personal and fitness page
  • Promote my fitness page on LinkedIn
  • Create an E-mail newsletter for people to stay up to date with my blogs and to ask questions
  • Use affiliate links in my blogs and emails

What I Did Accomplish

  • I Improved the contrast between the menu items and the background by changing it from grey to white with CSS coding.
  • Completed my fitness Facebook page and posted my blogs on them
  • Included website link on my Instagram fitness page
  • Invited people to subscribe via email to stay up to date with my blogs and ask questions on my website with a subscribe button at the bottom of the page.
  • I am still working on compiling a blog that will have links from Amazon Affiliates for products I want to promote
  • I shared my blog posts on LinkedIn.
  • I created an email for my website
  • Updated my Contact page

Next Weeks Goals


I have devoted quite a bit of my time and energy to my website, and it has taken me much longer than I thought to get done the things I want to get done. Organizing my website the way I want it organized has taken me several hours, and the amount of research I’ve put into my blogs has also taken me several hours. Writing and revising my blogs has also been more time and effort than I had expected. But through it all, I feel very satisfied with learning all these things so that I get better and more efficient at it as I continue.

Take a look at the website yourself as I continue to improve it at



Kevin Rasmussen

Praxis Student. I’m a fitness enthusiast and perusing excellence in life and business.