Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

Uploading & Organizing Content on My Website

Kevin Rasmussen


I finished week 2 of my ongoing project to build a fitness brand from scratch. I will go over what I set out to accomplish vs. what I did accomplish in terms of my goals for week 2 of my project.


  • Install Google analytics on my website
  • Create Amazon Affiliates Account
  • Create at least five blog posts
  • Read Greg Doucette’s weight training book ‘Harder Than Last Time.’
  • Go Through More of Fitness Model Greg Plitt’s video blogs on physical training and nutrition.
  • Look at the latest research on Ergonomic Aids(supplements) and see which ones are worth using and which ones are scams for improving performance.
  • Make my website separate blog posts by category as you can see on through the navigation buttons on my page.

What I Achieved

  • Installed Google Analytics by creating the account and pasting the analytics measurement ID into my website
  • Successfully created Amazon Affiliates account.
  • Thoroughly read, finished, and took notes on Greg Doucette’s book ‘Harder Than Last Time.’
  • I watched through all of Greg Plitt’s video modules on physical training, diet, and supplementation.
  • I researched commonly used supplements on and Shredded sports science videos. I concluded that most of the supplements commonly used are scams or misused. I will address that but still promote the supplements I believe are useful.
  • I improved my website by figuring how to separate blog posts by their menu item category.
  • I published two blogs and revised them multiple times, and I have a rough draft for Three more blogs I will publish soon. They each required hours of my research because I care deeply about being as factually correct as possible.
  • Created about me page and adjusted my image. When I saw that the image was not as large as I’d like it to be, I replaced it with a new block that enabled a larger image.

You can see the latest on my website

Next Weeks goals

  • Improve contrast between page and menu items
  • Complete KR Fitness Facebook page
  • Promote blog on Facebook personal and fitness page



Kevin Rasmussen

Praxis Student. I’m a fitness enthusiast and perusing excellence in life and business.