Photo by Jelmer Assink on Unsplash

Getting Started On My Fitness Website

Kevin Rasmussen


I have decided to create my own fitness brand from scratch utilizing my education and experience as a certified personal trainer, athlete, and fitness model. I have a wide range of experience when it comes to athletic training. I have done everything from ultrarunning, Ironman's, calisthenics, and weight training. Here is what I accomplished in my first week and next week’s goals.

What I accomplished

  • Created my website from word press
  • I put in my logo, which I created for Kevin Rasmussen Fitness.
  • I dedicated great amounts of time to researching supplements and fitness products to see which are worth using and which ones are scams. I watched videos from Greg Plitt and Greg Doucette for training tips.

Next Weeks Goals

  • Install Google analytics on my website
  • Create Amazon Affiliates Account
  • Create at least five blog posts
  • Read Greg Doucette’s weight training book ‘Harder Than Last Time.’
  • Go Through More of Fitness Model Greg Plitt’s video blogs on physical training and nutrition.
  • Look at the latest research on Ergonomic Aids(supplements) and see which ones are worth using and which ones are scams for improving performance.
  • Make my website separate blog posts by category.


This project will be a worthy challenge, and I can already see that there is so much I need to learn as I go. I am looking to post fitness blogs and promote the products and services I believe as part of some of my articles.



Kevin Rasmussen

Praxis Student. I’m a fitness enthusiast and perusing excellence in life and business.